Engagement Data Specifications
  • 26 Sep 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Engagement Data Specifications

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Article summary

This article describes the file specifications for Jornaya's Activate Engagement Data Dashboard. Once ready to send a file to Jornaya containing Engagement data, use this upload link and let the Jornaya Customer Success team know once that file has been dropped (customersuccess@jornaya.com).

Example File

Click below to access a sample Engagement Dashboard Input file

Column Header Specifications

HeaderDescriptionData TypeFormatExample
recordidYour unique record or customer identifier (required). The recordid will be included in the Activate Output so you can associate activity with consumers in your internal databases.stringAlphanumeric, including hyphens and periods (max length 100 characters)9345jrf93
campaigncellstringAlphanumeric, including hyphens and periods (max length 100 characters)Email_Marketing_Campaign (if campaign names are prefixed with a number it may be easier to use the campaign filter)
channelThe name of the marketing channel the campaign was executed in: please use only these values: email, phone, direct mail, digital targetingstringAlphanumeric, including hyphens and periods (max length 100 characters)email, phone, direct mail, digital targeting
controlWhether the consumer is in the experiment or control group (leave blank if not using)stringAlphanumeric, including hyphens and periods (max length 100 characters)“experiment” or “control”
time_sentThe date and time stamp of the email open (leave blank if this engagement did not happen). Both date and time stamp must be provided.Date & Timestampmm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss1/10/2020 11:52:53
email_openThe date and time stamp of the email open (leave blank if this engagement did not happen). Both date and time stamp must be provided.Date & Timestampmm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss1/10/2020 11:52:53
email_clickThe date and time stamp of the email open (leave blank if this engagement did not happen). Both date and time stamp must be provided.Date & Timestampmm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss1/10/2020 11:52:53
dial_contactThe date and time stamp of the dial open (leave blank if this engagement did not happen). Both date and time stamp must be provided.Date & Timestampmm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss1/10/2020 11:52:53
dial_transferThe date and time stamp of the dial transfer (leave blank if this engagement did not happen). Both date and time stamp must be provided.Date & Timestampmm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss1/10/2020 11:52:53
direct_mail_inquiryThe date and time stamp of the direct mail inquiry (leave blank if this engagement did not happen). Both date and time stamp must be provided.Date & Timestampmm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss1/10/2020 11:52:53
direct_mail_transferThe date and time stamp of the direct mail transfer (leave blank if this engagement did not happen). Both date and time stamp must be provided.Date & Timestampmm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss1/10/2020 11:52:53
display_impressionThe date and time stamp of the impression open (leave blank if this engagement did not happen). Both date and time stamp must be provided.Date & Timestampmm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss1/10/2020 11:52:53
display_clickThe date and time stamp of the click open (leave blank if this engagement did not happen). Both date and time stamp must be provided.Date & Timestampmm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss1/10/2020 11:52:53
last_updatedThe date and time stamp of the email open (leave blank if this engagement did not happen). Both date and time stamp must be provided.Date & Timestampmm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss1/10/2020 11:52:53

File Format Details

In order for engagement data to be used within the dashboard, the data provided needs to precisely align with the following specification:

  • The engagement file must be a .CSV.
  • The only delimiter we accept is a comma.
  • No text needs to be qualified and commas within the campaign name are acceptable.
  • Each row of the file should equate to a single outreach for a consumer.
  • There are no file name specifications - the file only needs to be a CSV
  • All headers must follow the exact naming convention as above.
  • Each value needs to follow the appropriate formatting as stated above.
  • Each row provided should contain the columns listed in the table above
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