Activate Monitoring File Specification
  • 21 Feb 2025
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Activate Monitoring File Specification

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Article summary

Format & Content





CSV (comma delimited file) or Compressed CSV (.zip and .gz)



Example: joesleadshack_2018_06_28.csv


  • A header must be present as specified in the row below.

  • Every other line will be CSV data that is delimited by a comma even if the row is empty, and match the order of the headers.

No footers, blank lines, descriptions, etc can be present.

Example: A row with 1 email identifier and no other identifiers 11,,,,,55502f40dc8b7c769880b10874abc9d0,,


The first line of the file with the column names listed to the right, even if that row value is blank. Headers must all be lowercase as shown


Data Details


Column Name


Data Type


Example Values

Integrations Support




Your unique record or customer identifier. The recordid will be included in the Activate Output so you can associate activity with consumers in your internal databases.


  • Alphanumeric, including hyphens and periods

  • Max length 100 characters



The recordid will be included in the Activate Output so you can associate activity with consumers in your internal databases.

Phone Numbers

phone01, phone02, phone03, phone04

Non-numeric characters and spaces must be stripped from phone numbers prior to hashing


MD5 or SHA256 hash



  • Phone numbers should be limited to 10 digits

  • Additional or non-numeric characters stripped from phone numbers prior to hashing.

Email Addresses

email01, email02, email03

List up to 3 email addresses associated with the customer record; one email per column, up to three.


MD5 or SHA256 hash


  • Must be in lowercase before hashing.

  • Any leading or trailing spaces must be stripped before hashing.


  • If no value exists, leave the field blank.    

    • Do not insert placeholder values like "null", "n/a", or any variation of these values.

    • Any value that is not a hashed email or phone, a LeadiD token, or a postal address should be removed from the file before hashing and sending the file to Jornaya

Corresponding Identifier

To receive a monitoring response for each recordid, every row must contain at least 1 of the values below. Please see our Hashing FAQs, Tips, and Examples.

  • Hashed email
  • Hashed phone


If one of these identifiers is missing, that recordid will NOT be included in the Activate signal file.

Optional Identifiers

The fields below are optional identifiers that can be included that are defined below.

  • LeadiD token

  • Postal address

Optional Fields


Column Name


Data Type


Example Values

Integrations Support




If you are currently leveraging other Jornaya solutions and receiving LeadiD tokens, you can submit up to three LeadiDs for each recordid.


36-character GUID as created by a Jornaya campaign script



  • LeadiD tokens should immediately follow the headers detailed above

  • Header Names: leadid01,leadid02,leadid03

Postal Address


If you have a postal address for the consumer you are monitoring, you can optionally add the address to the monitoring file.




SFTP, API upload & File upload Integrations

  • We currently accept one postal address per record

  • The full address must be included as a single value.

  • Jornaya will standardize and hash the postal address on your behalf prior to being used in the product.

  • There should only be 3 commas separating the data as a quick way to check

Passthrough Fields


  • Additional fields that your team would like to pass in conjunction with your recordids at the end of your file.

  • These fields will be appended to your Activate results and could include


Any format accepted, EXCEPT unhashed PII


SFTP, API upload & File upload Integrations

  • Passthrough fields should immediately follow the headers detailed above.

  • We accept any header names.

  • Examples:  

    • recordids

    • segment identifiers

    • control group indicators

Postal Address Continued

Postal Format

  • Must Not be hashed

  • Order: street, city, state, zip

  • Must be wrapped in quotes, allowing commas to separate the components of the address.  

    • NOTE!

      • If you are using Microsoft Excel to create/save your monitoring file, you do not need to add double quotes to the address01 values as the CSV created in Microsoft will do this automatically.

  • If an apartment or suite number is used within the address it must be included in the street address before the first comma.

  • A space can be included, optionally, after the comma. This will also work if there are no spaces.

Post Address Examples

  • Without Suite

    • ”1001 East Hector Street,Conshohocken,PA,19428”

  • With Suite

    • “1001 East Hector Street Suite 101, Conshohocken, PA, 19428”

  • No Space After Comma

    • "1001 East Hector Street,Conshohocken,PA,19428"

  • Space After Comma

    • "1001 East Hector Street, Conshohocken, PA, 19428”


Each time a new monitoring file is sent to Jornaya, the file will run through the Activate validation process to ensure the data provided passes our file specification. This process includes automated validation logic, where if 50% or more of the records pass validation and meet our file specification requirements we will continue to produce Activate data for those valid records; any records or values within a record that do not meet our file specification will be suppressed and not be used to produce Activate data. Any full records that have been suppressed will not be included in billing.  The following invalid errors will be suppressed in this use case:

  • Duplicate recordids: the first one will be kept and the others will be suppressed

  • Incorrectly formatted hashed emails: we will suppress any email value that does not have a properly formatted MD5 or SHA256 hashed value will be suppressed

  • Incorrectly formatted hashed phone numbers: any phone number value that does not have a properly formatted MD5 or SHA256 hashed value will be suppressed

  • Incorrectly formatted LeadiD tokens: any inauthentic LeadiD token value will be suppressed

  • Incorrectly formatted postal address:  any postal address that does not conform to our specification prior to the address being standardized & hashed will be suppressed

Send the File to Jornaya

Head over to our Connect a Data Source article for options and instructions on how to send the file to Jornaya!


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