NEW! Verisk Native Application in Snowflake Marketplace

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Strategic Alliances

Discover more ways to seamlessly harness the power of Verisk consumer insights.

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Actively innovating new ways to improve ease of access and activation.

The Verisk team is always seeking out high-quality business relationships and cultivating them through our Alliances Programs:

  • Reseller Alliances expand their products and develop new offerings with Verisk data solutions and services.
  • Integrated Alliances deliver the value of up-to-date consumer identities to their solutions and customers in real-time.
  • Strategic Alliances seek to build creative, value-driven opportunities alongside Verisk.


Industry Leader Alliances

Verisk Marketing Solutions’ proven history and leading consumer insights have enabled us to earn the trust and partnership of industry leading companies. Our reputation for data accuracy, data governance, and customer/partner service has made us a key partner to many leading platforms and providers.

Access Verisk Datasets via Snowflake

Snowflake’s Data Marketplace sets a new standard for low-cost, high-speed data transfers. A controlled access clean-room environment enables you to seamlessly and securely enrich your 1st party data with U.S. consumer and household insights from Verisk Marketing Solutions.

Access Verisk Datasets via AWS

Verisk’s data assets are available through the AWS Data Exchange on Amazon Web Services (AWS). This collaboration makes it easy for marketers and data analysts using AWS to securely find and access Verisk’s privacy-compliant, deterministic third-party identity and attribute data.

See how our alliances can help you innovate for better business.

Talk to our team to see how we can help.

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Additional Resources to Guide You

Responsibly Enrich First-Party Data Through New Snowflake Native App

Seamlessly infuse marketing workflows and advertising strategies with actionable consumer insights. Maintaining the most current and detailed view of your […]

Big Ten Conference Leverages Consumer Data to Engage an Entire Fanbase

Valuable consumer data was in short supply at the Big Ten Conference before Nate Schrader joined as Senior Vice President […]

How Marketers Can Prepare for the Future of Consumer Insights with the Verisk Product Team

Personalized marketing is here to stay. In a recent survey, 99% of marketers believe personalization will be important to improving […]