NEW! Verisk Native Application in Snowflake Marketplace

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The Right Data to Optimize Everything

Create and power innovative solutions with the most current, most complete view of U.S. consumers and households.

Create Results

Data Built for Building

Fueled by our proprietary Identity Graph and Digital Device Graph, we bring disparate digital and offline data together to drive best-in-class identity resolution and enrichment.

Verisk Marketing Solutions helps you resolve and enrich consumer identities and deliver data when and how you need it.

Power Growth & Client Strategies

Whether you’re building audiences, assembling measurement panels, or powering other advertising products, your goal is to stand out and inspire confidence with the markets and marketers you serve.

Nothing inspires confidence like having complete, accurate, and reliable data on every consumer and household in the U.S. to drive precise segmentation.

Identity Graph

Help your clients resolve identities by turning countless pieces of disparate data into a linked, single source of truth.

Digital Device Graph

Empower offline-online digitization for onboarding, cross-device linking, privacy-compliant personalization.

On-Premise Data

Enhance your products/solutions by leveraging our email, auto, phone, consumer history, location, property, and more.

Identity Scoring & Validation

Enable your clients to weed out poor leads, convert more consumers into customers and increase ROI on demand.

Identity Completion

Complete an entire consumer profile—including identity, scoring, attributes and intelligence—on demand.

Additional Resources to Guide You

Responsibly Enrich First-Party Data Through New Snowflake Native App

Seamlessly infuse marketing workflows and advertising strategies with actionable consumer insights. Maintaining the most current and detailed view of your […]

Lead Generation Experts Weigh In on FCC’s New Explicit Consent Rulings

You have probably heard by now: The FCC has placed stricter TCPA rules on explicit consent. Marketers must now provide […]

Consumer Data Shapes Our World and Wallets — Here’s How

“The marketing industry is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by changing consumer expectations and the increasing scrutiny of data privacy […]

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