Create LeadiDs
  • 12 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Create LeadiDs

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Article summary

Ready to start creating LeadiD tokens?

The below four steps will have you creating LeadiD tokens in no time, or if you are looking for some information on what a LeadiD token is and the benefits of creating them, keep reading!

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So, what is a LeadiD token?

A LeadiD is a unique identifier that’s generated the moment a consumer lands on a webpage where our Jornaya campaign javascript is installed. As a consumer continues their journey on that site, our LeadiD technology witnesses their interactions and collects data related to their experience in a completely privacy-friendly manner.

Here is an example of a Jornaya LeadiD token:

How do I join the Jornaya Publisher Partner Network and what are the benefits?

Visit our Publisher Partner Network page to sign up for free. By joining the Publisher Partner Network, you’ll gain immediate access to a number of valuable products and services designed to protect your business from TCPA risk, help your business grow through access to new customers, and help you maximize conversion of your consumer interactions.

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