Gravity Forms
  • 22 May 2024
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Gravity Forms

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Article summary


This article includes instructions on how to implement the Jornaya javascript snippet within Gravity Forms.

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1. In Gravity Forms, add a new hidden input

Copy the "id" attribute of the new hidden input into a Word document for use later


2. Define the hidden input to write the Jornaya LeadiD token to for storage in your database

Add a new field in Gravity Forms using the "HTML" option.

Enter the below tags with your hidden input ID and campaign key values

  • The callback function requires the "id" attribute of the hidden input. To confirm the new hidden input's "id" attribute, preview the actual web page, right-click on the page and "inspect"

  • Find the new hidden input in the "Elements" tab
    Copy the new hidden input's "id" attribute

<input name="input_8_53" id="input_8_53" value="">

Lower Case Account Code

Please be sure to enter your LOWER case campaign key into the src script field.

<script type="text/javascript">
function myCallbackFunction(token) {
var field = document.getElementById("ID OF HIDDEN INPUT");
if (field) {
field.setAttribute('value', token);

<script id="LeadiDscript" type="text/javascript">
  (function() {
    var s = document.createElement('script'); = 'LeadiDscript_campaign';
    s.type = 'text/javascript';
    s.async = true;
    s.src = '//';
    var LeadiDscript = document.getElementById('LeadiDscript');
    LeadiDscript.parentNode.insertBefore(s, LeadiDscript);

3. Confirm the Jornaya javascript is working properly

a. Save all changes and open the website in a new tab to confirm everything is working properly
b. Follow the steps in the Create Implementation Testing to confirm the integration is working as expected.

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