- 22 Aug 2024
- 6 Minutes to read
- DarkLight
Intelligence - FAQ
- Updated on 22 Aug 2024
- 6 Minutes to read
- DarkLight
This article includes frequently asked questions related to Jornaya Intelligence. If you have further questions, please reach out to our Customer Success team (customersuccess@jornaya.com) or our support team (support@jornaya.com).
Why am I seeing duplicate LeadiD tokens being queried?
Duplicates exist in the lead ecosystem
The nature of the buying and selling of leads allows the possibility of the same LeadiD token being sold and/or bought from multiple parties
If this is happening on a small percentage of your leads this is likely the cause
Jornaya API call happening more than once
Depending on how the API call is setup, the LeadiD token might be getting audited more than once
If this is happening regularly for every single token then this is most likely the case
Implementation error by the creator of the LeadiD token
If a Call Center is the source of the lead, our reset script must be placed on the first page of the funnel so that we may identify when a new LeadiD token should be issued
When the reset script is not present, the same LeadiD token will be present for different leads
Whomever the generator of the lead is should review Step 3 of our Campaign Code implementation
Here is a link to our Getting Started Guide for Creators
If you do not know who created the lead, please advise your Provider of the suspected issue
Why might we see a high IP Frequency for some leads?
The IP Frequency indicates how many LeadiDs originated from the same IP address over a specified timeframe. Here are some reasons why there may be a high IP frequency:
A call center campaign has been improperly implemented as a web campaign, which will drive up IP Frequency because many different LeadiDs are being created from within the same network
Consumers that visit sites when on shared networks (e.g. public wifi). In these cases, you can have different consumers where all activity is associated with the same IP address
Consumers browsing on mobile networks, where IP addresses can be rotated and shared across many different consumers
Many leads are being submitted by a single consumer
How do I use the slider settings for some of my flags/rules?
For some of the flag settings, there is a slider that allows you to adjust the threshold of your flags over a scale of 1-30. As a result, we are often asked "how does this work?" or "what will it mean if I set the yellow flag on 5?"
The answers are simple: anything on that number and to the right falls into that flag color. So, if your threshold for Consumer Week is 4 (meaning all leads where the frequency is 1,2,3, or 4 are ok, but anything more than that should flag) you would set the yellow and/or red flag on the 5.
How do I test my API Integration?
Following these steps will ensure all test data is excluded from Production tables and will remain separate from data analysis.
Include the test parameter in the API call (&test=1)
If ‘&test=1’ is not included exactly as &test=1, data will be written to Production tables.
Send the full API string that was used for the tests to the Jornaya Support Team (support@jornaya.com).
Ensure that you use different LeadiD tokens for each API call throughout your testing.
The best practice is to not perform a query on the same LeadiD more than 5 times.
Send the full API string that was used for the tests to the Jornaya Support Team (support@jornaya.com).
Please be sure to wait for confirmation from the Support Team prior to launching the changes into Production.
What does it mean when an Intelligence response is Blocked?
When the Value result field (e.g. total_entities) is either not returned at all in the API response, OR if it is returned with a -1, that means that the data point is being blocked in some capacity by the Lead Generator. There are two ways that a Lead Generator can enable the blocking of a Jornaya Intelligence response:
Derived Data Element
Derived Data Element Value
Blocking - Derived Data Element:
This prevents the auditor from receiving the value and the associated flag for the blocked element in their audit response. This results in missing basic responses for that specific data point (i.e the Value and the Flag, such as "total_entities" and "total_entities_rule") and instead returns the responses that include the "_blocked" items:
"total_entities_blocked": 1
"total_entities_blocked_rule": 3
Blocking - Derived Data Element Value
This prevents the auditor from receiving the value for a derived data element, but the associated rule for that derived data element will be returned in the audit response. To be more precise, a -1 means that only the Value was blocked, but your Flag (or Rule) for that data point was not blocked. The response (using Entities as an example) would therefore look like this:
"total_entities": -1
"total_entities_rule": 1, 2 or 3
What is the LPC field and what values can be used in it?
The LPC (Lead Provider Code) field is the parameter used within an API call to Jornaya to indicate who provided the token to the account that is performing the query. Providing this information ensures specific data points are returned, such as total hops and total entities, it is also necessary for reporting.
Values for this field:
Jornaya entity code for the specific provider (a 36-character ID that looks similar to an account code but is publicly facing). Since this code directly corresponds to an account in our system it is automatically mapped to that account removing any guesswork. If the account performing the queries is the same as the account that created them then they may use their own entity code. The "provider ID" or "provider code" are other terms for entity code and can be used interchangeably.
How to find your entity code:
Your Entity Code is located in the Jornaya Member Portal by logging in and hovering over the gears in the upper right corner. Click on "My Account" and you will see this information in the field named "Entity Code".
A value that is stored in the customer's system that pertains to that provider. Using this method requires Jornaya support to map the values to the appropriate account in the system by working with the customer to understand who the appropriate account is.
Typically support provides entity codes for our customer's providers up-front during the onboarding process to be used when the API call is being set up.
For any new partners, support may be contacted by emailing support@jornaya.com or they may request it from the providers themselves who can copy it from the Member Portal, however, they must have a Member Portal account. If they do not they may sign up for free.
Does the API response include the source URL?
At this time, we do not share the source URL in our API response. It is possible we change this position if market conditions change. These could be changes to regulatory policy, privacy laws, or industry norms. We know that many lead sellers do share URL and we will continue to evaluate our position. While we do not share the source URL, we do offer a URL Flag data point that provides a binary 1 or 0 response which indicates if a lead was (or wasn't) generated on a domain URL within a URL list that our customers control in our Member Portal. For more information about URL Flag lists, please reference this article.