Intelligence Response Glossary
  • 27 Jan 2025
  • 25 Minutes to read
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Intelligence Response Glossary

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Article summary


This article provides an explanation of each data point available for Jornaya Intelligence.  

If you are looking for the full specifications for Jornaya Intelligence including the API response layout, please reference the Jornaya Intelligence API specification.


Indicates whether or not the LeadiD token was issued by Jornaya.

How It Works:

Our script issues a unique 36-character GUID for each lead event.

Value and Insight:

The LeadiD token is the key that unlocks data witnessed by our script at the lead event. Authenticity allows you to ensure that the Jornaya script did in fact witness the original lead event and a real LeadiD was issued. Inauthentic tokens received could be an incorrect ID supplied by a lead generator, the lead was queried too many times, or, in a worst-case scenario, an attempt at fraud.

Best Practices:

For inauthentic tokens, there will be no Intelligence or TCPA data points returned and, as a result, you would have no insight into the origin, quality, or TCPA compliance for those leads. If a provider is passing inauthentic leads, you should reach out to the provider to check their workflow/correct any mistakes on their end, and ensure that no fraudulent action was taken.

Audit Response:

  • 0 = LeadiD is not authentic; one or more of the conditions have been met below and no additional data will be returned for this LeadiD token:

    • This was not a token that Jornaya created.

    • This token has been queried too many times when Jornaya’s partners performed an API call to our system.

    • This token was created over a year ago.

    • This token is associated with a consumer who has exercised their CCPA Right to Opt-out.

  • 1 = LeadiD is authentic

Lead Age

The time elapsed between when the consumer completed the lead form and when you queried the lead.

How It Works:

Lead Age acts as a stopwatch that starts when the consumer submits the lead form and stops when you query the lead.

Value and Insight:

Lead Age allows you to know if your leads are sent to you in real time and differentiate old consumer inquiries from new ones. From this, brands can contact consumers while they are still engaged and shopping.

Speed to lead is a priority for lead buyers. Historically this has been measured as the time elapsed between a buyer receiving a lead and when they make the first outbound dial to that consumer. Jornaya provides the missing piece and tells you how much time has passed since the consumer submitted the lead and your brand received it, so you can prioritize your leads based on the truly freshest leads. We typically see that the higher the lead age, the lower the contact and conversion rates. Seconds matter!

Best Practices:

You can share this data with your partners, working together to understand why leads may not be delivered in real-time. In some cases, the delay may be caused by technical issues. In other cases, there could be a staggered delivery to each buyer. We've even seen lead partners hold on to the lead in an attempt to further qualify it, but in doing so the delay itself reduced conversion rates! The important piece is to see if higher lead age translates to lower conversion rates for each partner. If so, by working with your partners to understand their processes, you will be able to determine whether there are improvements that can be made to decrease lead age.

Audit Response:

lead_age = (##) of seconds elapsed

age = Pre-defined time buckets allow for simplicity in reporting or analysis.

  • 00 = < 5 minutes old

  • 01 = 5-30 minutes old

  • 02 = 30-60 minutes old

  • 03 = 1-4 hours old

  • 04 = 4-12 hours old

  • 05 = 12-24 hours old

  • 06 = 1-2 days old

  • 07 = 2 days - 1 week old

  • 08 = 1 week - 1 month old

  • 09 = 09 > 1 month old

Lead Duration

How long has the consumer spent engaged in the lead funnel?

How It Works:

Lead Duration acts as a stopwatch that begins as soon as the consumer lands on the lead form page and stops when the form is submitted.

Value and Insight:

Lead Duration is an indicator of consumer intent, as it provides insight into how long a consumer was engaged during a lead event. Highly engaged consumers may spend more time completing a lead form, while less engaged consumers may speed through the process.

In some instances, lead forms can be longer with more fields for the consumer to populate and those consumers who dedicate more time to gather the appropriate information show a higher intent and are more apt to convert. On the other hand, consumers who spend a short amount of time completing the lead form – in some cases less than 30 seconds – show lower signs of engagement and tend to convert at lower rates.

Best Practices:

This information can be used to prioritize the most engaged consumers and reject those that may not be at all engaged. If it is true that conversions have increased for consumers that spent over 5 minutes on the form, it could also be an opportunity to incentivize vendors to provide these higher intent leads to your brand over your peers by offering a higher price. Conversely, if it is true that leads with a shorter duration convert at a lower rate, those leads could be prioritized lower, or perhaps you would want to pay less to its providers for those leads. If the lead duration is below a certain threshold of time (e.g., <30 seconds) and those leads are showing very little signs of conversion, you may find that these leads are not profitable to buy at all

Audit Response:

lead_duration = (##) Number of seconds the consumer was on the form.

duration = Pre-defined time buckets allow for simplicity in reporting or analysis.

  • 00 = Duration Not Available

  • 01 = Consumer spent < 5 seconds on the form

  • 02 = Consumer spent 5-30 seconds on the form

  • 03 = Consumer spent 30-60 seconds on the form

  • 04 = Consumer spent 1-5 minutes on the form

  • 05 = Consumer Spent 5-30 minutes on the form

  • 06 = Consumer spent 30-60 minutes on the form

  • 07 = Consumer spent > 1 hour on the form

Data Integrity

Does the lead data you received from your lead provider (contributed to Jornaya in the API) match what the consumer submitted during the lead event?

How It Works:

Data Integrity compares your contributed lead data from the Jornaya API call to the lead data witnessed by the Jornaya script during the lead event which was submitted by the consumer. For a deeper dive into how it works, be sure to check out our Data Integrity article.

Value and Insight:

This data point helps you ensure the information you received is what the consumer entered on the lead form. Jornaya’s script witnesses the initial lead event, but that lead data could change hands before reaching the purchasing brand. When a brand queries the Jornaya API with the purchased LeadiD, they also contribute the form data that the lead generator provided to them. Jornaya attempts to match the lead form data provided against what we witnessed at the time of the lead event. If the value contributed is different, that should raise a flag to investigate further. Sometimes the lead creator provides additional context on what may have caused this mismatch or the data submitted in the audit matches a value that was present on the lead form but that the Jornaya script did not witness being entered.

Best Practices:

We recommend purchasing leads whose data matches what Jornaya witnessed at the initial event. In particular, many marketers and their compliance teams want to ensure that the First Name, Last Name, and Phone Number that they received from their lead provider matches what the consumer submitted. If those things are different, they may not feel comfortable contacting the consumer at all. Without Data Integrity, we are unable to verify that the information you have received was actually entered by the consumer at the lead event. We recommend working with your providers when there is a mismatch incidence without context.

Audit Response:

  • 0 = Mismatch: The contributed lead data submitted in the audit was not witnessed by the Jornaya script during the lead event

  • 1 = Match: The contributed lead data submitted in the audit matched what the Jornaya script witnessed during the lead event.

  • 2 = Mismatch With Disclosure: The contributed lead data submitted in the audit was not witnessed by the Jornaya script during the lead event, but the lead creator provided additional context on what may have caused a mismatch.

  • 3 = Default Value: The contributed lead data submitted in the audit matched a value that was present on the lead form but the Jornaya script did not witness the value being entered.

Call Center

Was the lead generated on a web form by the consumer or in a call center by a call center agent? This is self-designated by the lead generator.

How It Works:

Generators self-identify their Jornaya Campaigns when setting them up. This value is blank for web campaigns.

Value and Insight:

This can help you identify where your leads are originating from and if that aligns with your expectations. You may not be expecting to purchase call center leads at all because of compliance risk tolerance.

Best Practices:

You can share this data with your partners and work to understand when call center-based leads are being sent. Historically, call center-based leads can have lower conversion rates so we recommend analyzing these leads to see how they convert for your program. If it is true that call center leads convert at a lower rate, those leads could be prioritized lower, or perhaps you would want to pay less to its providers for those leads. If the leads are showing very little signs of conversion, you may find that these leads are not profitable to buy at all.

Audit Response:

  • No response = LeadiD did not originate in a call center.

  • 1 = LeadiD did originate from a campaign that was self-identified as a call center.

Device Frequency

Indicates how many LeadiDs originated from the same device in the given timeframe.

How It Works:

We capture the device where the LeadiD was created and issue a unique device identifier to understand that specific device’s recent activity.

Value and Insight:

This can indicate consumer intent by measuring a consumer’s in-market activity with a certain device.

Best Practices:

If a customer's device has been seen at more than 10 lead events in the last five minutes, this is likely due to automated activity, and leads in this segment are typically low performing. We recommend that you work with your providers to ensure that higher-intent leads are being sent instead. A very high number of consumer events from the same device could also indicate that leads from that device are being generated within a call center.

Audit Response:

The number (##) of LeadiDs generated from this device in the given timeframe. There are responses for different timeframe buckets - the last five minutes, hour, twelve hours, day, or week prior to the query.

  • 0 = This is the first time the device ID from the queried LeadiD was witnessed in the Jornaya network.

  • 1 = The device ID from the queried LeadiD was witnessed 1 additional time in the past Y time period across the Jornaya network.

  • X# = The device ID from the queried LeadiD was witnessed X# of additional time(s) in the past Y time period across the Jornaya network.

IP Frequency

Indicated how many LeadiDs originated from the same IP address in the given timeframe.

How It Works:

We capture the IP address where the LeadiD was created and look across our Jornaya network to report on that specific IP address’s recent activity

Value and Insight:

This can indicate consumer intent by measuring a consumer’s in-market activity with a certain IP address.

Best Practices:

If a customer's IP address has been seen at more than 10 lead events in the last five minutes, this is likely due to automated activity, and leads in this segment are typically low performing. We recommend that you work with your providers to ensure that higher-intent leads are being sent instead. A very high number of consumer events from the same IP address could also indicate that leads from that IP address are being generated within a call center.

Audit Response:

The number (##) of LeadiDs generated from this IP address in the given timeframe. There are responses for different timeframe buckets - the last five minutes, hour, twelve hours, day, or week prior to the query.

  • 0 = This is the first time the IP address from the queried LeadiD was witnessed in the Jornaya network.

  • 1 = The IP address from the queried LeadiD was witnessed 1 additional time in the past Y time period across the Jornaya network.

  • X# = The IP address from the queried LeadiD was witnessed X# of additional time(s) in the past Y time period across the Jornaya network

Lead Velocity

Indicates how many unique companies have queried this LeadiD in the given timeframe before you queried it.

How It Works:

Jornaya measures the number of unique companies that have queried this lead, in the given timeframe, prior to you.

Value and Insight:

This allows you to understand the competitive landscape, and how many companies have received the lead prior to you. Within Jornaya’s network, we see the order in which leads are queried, and we tell you how many others have queried a lead before you have. Note that the time that the query was performed may or may not be the exact time that the lead was posted to you by your partner. Any potential tech delays on the lead buyer's side would impact these numbers.

In some cases, when there are multiple recipients of a lead, Jornaya sees that leads are delivered within seconds or even milliseconds of one another. However, the first company to receive the lead has the advantage to get the consumer on the phone first, while the second company may be trying to make a call. In Jornaya’s experience, the first company to work a lead has a higher conversion opportunity, even if that lead was received only seconds before competitors.

Best Practices:

We recommend analyzing which providers show more instances of your brand being not the first to receive the lead and working with them to figure out why this may be the case. Is there an operational inefficiency with the provider? With your workflow? Are leads not being sent to all buyers at the exact same time? Jornaya can help get to the bottom of where the issue is occurring and help all parties improve the process overall.

Audit Response:

The number (##) of times the lead has been queried before you in the given timeframe. There are responses for different timeframe buckets - the last five minutes, hour, twelve hours, day or week prior to the query.

  • 0 = This LeadID was not audited before your query

  • 1 = This LeadID was queried 1 time prior to your query in the past Y time period across the Jornaya network.

  • X# = This LeadID was queried x# of additional time(s) prior to your query in the past Y time period across the Jornaya network.

Consumer Velocity

The number of times that Jornaya has witnessed a consumer (email address) filling out a lead form in the given timeframe.

How It Works:

Jornaya witnesses how many lead forms a consumer has filled out in the given timeframe, based on email address.

Value and Insight:

This number of lead forms we witness a consumer filling out can gauge consumer intent as well as in-market behavior. This can also be an indicator of the stage of a consumer journey - whether someone is just starting out or closer to making a purchase.

Best Practices:

If a customer has been seen at more than 10 lead events in the last five minutes, this is likely due to automated activity, and leads in this segment are typically low performing. We recommend that you work with your providers to ensure that higher-intent leads are being sent instead.

Audit Response:

The number (##) of times Jornaya has witnessed this consumer’s email address across the network in the given timeframe. There are responses for different timeframe buckets - the last five minutes, hour, twelve hours, day, or week prior to the audit  

  • 0 = The email address that was contributed in the Jornaya Intelligence query was not witnessed*

  • 1 = The email address that was contributed in the Jornaya Intelligence query was witnessed for the first time at the lead event

  • X# = The email address that was contributed in the Jornaya Intelligence query was witnessed X# of additional time(s) prior to your query in the past Y time period across the Jornaya network.

* The email addressed may not have been witnessed for several reasons:

  • There may have been a discrepancy due to the consumer's settings or internet connectivity that prevented us from witnessing the email address during the lead event

  • The email address that was passed in the API query does not match what we witnessed during that lead event

  • The Jornaya campaign code was not present on the page in which the consumer email address was entered, therefore we did not witness that email address

Total Hops

The number of times the lead changed hands in the direct line between the generator and you.

How It Works:

Jornaya compares the generator of the lead to whom you indicated you received it from, to determine the lead’s path.

Value and Insight:

You can know with certainty if your leads are aggregated, or if your leads are coming directly from the lead generator. Hops are not inherently a bad thing, and most companies are transparent that they may not generate all leads themselves. For some providers, we see that self-generated (direct) leads perform better than those that are aggregated. For other providers, aggregated leads perform better than direct leads.

Best Practices:

Most of our customers use this data point in two key ways:

  • To determine if the direct vs aggregated breakout is different than you expected for any of your partners, we suggest sharing this data with them to understand the discrepancy.

  • To determine if you see any significant performance discrepancy between direct vs aggregated leads for certain partners, which could be a good optimization opportunity with those vendors.

Audit Response:

The number (##) of steps between you and the generator.

  • 1 = This LeadID had 1 step between you and the generator. It was directly sent to you.

  • 2 = This LeadID had 2 steps between you and the generator. It was sent to you by a lead aggregator.

  • X# = This LeadID had X# steps between you and the generator. It was sent to you by a lead aggregator.

Total Entities

The number of unique Entities that have seen that particular LeadiD (excluding you).

How It Works:

Jornaya witnesses how many unique companies have touched the lead prior to you receiving it.

Value and Insight:

This provides insight into where that lead has traveled in the ecosystem before you purchased it.

Best Practices:

Similar to Lead Velocity, most of our customers use this data point to understand the competitive nature of a given LeadiD. We recommend analyzing this data point to see the conversion correlation and potential optimization opportunities.

Audit Response:

The number (##) of parties that have seen the lead, excluding you.

  • 0 = This LeadID was seen by no other entities aside from you prior to your query.

  • 1 = This LeadID was seen by 1 entity aside from you prior to your query.

  • X# = This LeadID was seen by X# entities aside from you prior to your query

Consumer Dupe Check

Consumer Dupe CheckIndicates if you have ever queried a LeadiD with this consumer’s email address and if so, when.

How It Works:

A check of the email address you provided against your LeadiD audit history.

Value and Insight:

This identifies if and when you previously audited a lead with the same email address, which can indicate a high-intent consumer raising their hand in the market again. Consumer Dupe Check looks at the contact information provided on the form to identify when the same consumer is raising their hand and submitting an additional lead. This can be a highly engaged consumer. This is different from Lead Dupe, which is an exact lead duplicate versus a Consumer Dupe, which is a re-inquiry by the consumer.

Best Practices:

Consumer Dupes can be highly engaged consumers. When outcome data is paired with Jornaya Intelligence data, we can confirm whether consumer dupes actually convert at higher rates. If so, we would recommend prioritizing Consumer Dupes while continuing to reject any exact LeadiD dupes (see below).

Audit Response:

  • 00 = Never before

  • 01 = Last 0-7 days

  • 02 = Last 7-14 days

  • 03 = Last 14-30 days

  • 04 = Last 30-60 days

  • 05 = Last 60-90 days

  • 06 = Last 3-4 months

Lead Dupe Check

Indicates if you have ever queried this exact same LeadiD token before and if so, when.

How It Works:

This is a check of whether you have ever purchased and queried this exact same LeadiD previously.

Value and Insight:

There is no good reason to purchase the exact same LeadiD (which is specific to a unique event on a particular website) multiple times. This is wasted marketing spend. Using Lead Dupe Check ensures that you don’t buy the same exact lead twice.

The nature of the buying and selling of leads allows the possibility of the same LeadiD token being sold and/or bought from multiple parties. It could be the provider trying to sell you the same lead multiple times, or it could be a small number based on how the Jornaya API call is set up where the LeadiD token might be getting queried more than once, resulting in a duplicate response. If this is happening on a regular basis for every single token then this is most likely the case. A third scenario that may result in a dupe response relates to Call Center leads. If a call center is the source of the lead, our reset script must be placed on the first page of the funnel so that we may identify when a new LeadiD token should be issued. When the script is not present, the same LeadiD token will be present for different leads.

Best Practices:

We recommend doing additional research when lead dupes are identified to determine which scenario is responsible for the dupe response. You can work with your CSM to modify your brand’s API call setup and troubleshoot the call center script implementation with providers. In the small percentage of cases where your brand is being presented with an identical LeadiD token, we do not recommend purchasing that token, as there is no additional value to be gained from querying that same LeadiD a second time. We also recommend discussing with that provider if multiple duplicate leads are sent to ensure there is no error.

Audit Response:

lead_dupe = Simple indicator as to whether you have queried this same LeadiD token before.

  • 0 = No, you have not queried this LeadiD before.

  • 1 = Yes, you have queried this LeadiD before.

lead_dupe_check = Indicates if you have ever queried this same LeadiD token before, and if so, when.

  • 00 = Never before

  • 01 = Last 0-7 days

  • 02 = Last 7-14 days

  • 03 = Last 14-30 days

  • 04 = Last 30-60 days

  • 05 = Last 60-90 days

  • 06 = Last 3-4 months

  • 07 = Last 4-5 months

  • 08 = Last 5-6 months

  • 09 = Last 6-9 months

  • 10 - Over 9 months ago

Lead Dupe Time

The exact time when you previously queried the same LeadiD token.

How It Works:

A check of the LeadiD against your LeadiD query history, which returns the timestamp of your previous query of this LeadiD.

Value and Insight:

The Lead Dupe Time allows you to know exactly when you last received and queried this same lead event.

Best Practices:

We recommend doing additional research when lead dupes are identified to determine what could be causing duplicate queries and looking at the time difference between your audits. Was it 1 second before (possible workflow issue)?  Was it 2 days prior (re-auditing an old lead)?  If your brand is being presented with an identical LeadiD token, we do not recommend purchasing that token, as there is no additional value to be gained from querying that same LeadiD a second time. We also recommend discussing with that provider if multiple duplicate leads are sent to ensure there is no error.

Audit Response:

The exact timestamp (in Epoch format) for when you previously queried the same LeadiD.

Lead Dupe Provider

The Entity code of the Provider from whom you received this same LeadiD previously.

How It Works:

A check of the LeadiD against your LeadiD audit history which returns the Provider from your most recent audit of this LeadiD.

Value and Insight:

The Lead Dupe provider allows you to know from whom you last received this same LeadiD previously.

Best Practices:

We recommend doing additional research when lead dupes are identified to determine what could be causing duplicate queries and looking at which providers are associated with the previous queries. Was it the same provider (possible duplicate issue by provider)?  Was it a different provider (possible shared lead)?  If your brand is being presented with an identical LeadiD token, we do not recommend purchasing that token, as there is no additional value to be gained from auditing that same LeadiD a second time. We also recommend discussing with that provider if multiple duplicate leads are sent to ensure there is no error.

Audit Response:

The provider you received this same LeadiD from when you previously audited it.

URL Value

Indicates if the lead you purchased was generated from a URL that was on your list.

How It Works:

By creating a list of URLs in the Member Portal, Jornaya will return a binary yes/no if the lead originated from one of those URLs. For more information about adding URLs to your list, you can reference the instructions in this article.

Value and Insight:

This allows you to know definitively if leads were or were not generated from a URL on your list. This is commonly used in two different ways: 1) as a list to ensure leads DO NOT come from non-approved URLs and 2) as a list to ensure all your leads DO come from your approved URLs.

Best Practices:

Depending on your brand’s compliance policy and preferred practices, entity flagging can be used for approved URLs or unapproved URLs. We recommend ensuring your lists are consistently updated for the most accurate responses. As an example of how this might work, an unapproved site may falsely advertise free gifts for lead submission or otherwise deceive consumers. If a lead is coming from that unapproved URL list, we recommend working with your provider to adjust leads and sharing any new banned URLs with the provider.

Audit Response:

  • 0 = This lead was not generated from a URL in your list.

  • 1 = This lead was generated from a URL in your list.

Entity Value

Indicates if the lead you purchased was generated from an Entity that was on your list.

How it Works:

By creating a list of Entities (companies) in the Member Portal and Jornaya will return a binary yes or no if the lead was generated by one of these Entities. For more information about adding Entities to your list, you can reference the instructions in this article.

Value and Insight:

This allows you to know definitely if leads were or were not generated from an entity on your list. This can be used as a list to ensure leads DO NOT come from non-approved companies, or a list, to ensure all your leads DO come from your approved companies.


Depending on your brand’s compliance policy and preferred practices, entity flagging can be used for either approved entities or unapproved entities. We recommend ensuring your lists are consistently updated for the most accurate responses. As an example of how this might work, there may be a lead generator that you no longer want to receive leads from, even if you don't work with them directly. If a lead is coming from that unapproved entity list, we recommend working with your provider to ensure those sources for the leads are turned off.

Audit Response:

  • 0 = This lead was not generated from an Entity on your list.

  • 1 = This lead was generated from an Entity on your list.


Indicates, for each data point, the corresponding flag based on the rule(s) set in your audit profile within the Member Portal.

How It Works:

You can set rules in your Audit Profile within the Member Portal, and Jornaya will respond with the corresponding flag based on each data point.

Value and Insight:

This provides a clearer response of your disposition on each lead. The reason why you may want to use the Rule responses vs. the values for each individual data point is that you may want to have configurable rules. If you had your technology team create logic so that any time a lead had a disposition of a Red Flag, it should be rejected, then you have the ability to change what a Red Flag represents within the Jornaya Member Portal instead of needing your technology team to change things on their end.


We recommend utilizing the Rule responses to prioritize, deprioritize or filter leads based on the goals of your program.  For example, if a lead meets your Green Flag criteria for all data points, you could choose to prioritize those leads to your top agents or increase the calling cadence. If a lead meets at least one of your Red Flag criteria, you could choose to deprioritize or reject those leads to focus on higher converting lead segments.

Audit Response:

  • 1 = Green Flag

  • 2 = Yellow Flag

  • 3 = Red Flag


Indicates the generator has chosen to not share the responses for this data element.

How It Works:

Lead generators can choose to not return a value to the lead buyer for some of the query data point responses. Exceptions include Authenticity, Lead Age and Lead Duration.

Value and Insight:

This added response indicates which data point a lead generator is choosing to block, when applicable. Important to note is that this is set at the generator level, meaning that even if the lead provider does not block a data point themselves, they could still have leads which show as blocked if their affiliate who is generating leads for them is choosing to block.


If you are seeing data points blocked, we recommend reaching out to your provider contacts to discuss their implementation or the implementation of the lead generator they are buying leads from. You may also request the unblocking of data points to facilitate retrieving insights on those leads. Jornaya is available to provide messaging relating to your lack of visibility into the quality and compliance of our leads. We can provide instructions for the lead providers/generators on how to update their implementation and make sure that fields that you require are not blocked.

Audit Response:

  • No response = Data point was not blocked by generator

  • 1 = Data point category was blocked by the generator.

  • -1 = Individual data point was blocked by the generator.

Category Blocking vs. Individual Blocking

A "category" refers to blocking a whole grouping of data points. Individual data points blocked will return a -1 for the data point. Categories blocked will return a 1 for the entire category. When a Category is blocked, no individual data points in that Category will be returned. Category blocking supersedes any individual data point blocking

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