Intelligence - Default Flags & Day 1 Rules
  • 12 Jul 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark

Intelligence - Default Flags & Day 1 Rules

  • Dark

Article summary

Default Flags

In the Jornaya Member Portal, each data point will have default Green/Yellow/Red flag settings which are automatically set when an Audit Profile is first created.  As an example, below are the default flag settings for Lead Age:

Day 1 Rules

The following best practices are automatically applied to the Default Audit Profile once a Jornaya Intelligence account is created. These rules make it easy for clients to start receiving value from Jornaya on day one, using red flags for the following data points as negative indicators:

Not Authentic = Red
Lead Age
Age > 1 day = Red
• For all time buckets from 1 day up to > 1 month
Lead DurationTime on Form < 5 seconds = Red
Lead Velocity# Times Lead Queried in the Past 5 minutes > 3 = Red
• Insurance > 5 = Red, all others > 3 = Red
Lead DuplicationSame Lead was Previously Queried by Client = Red
(includes flags for all time buckets from 0-7 days up to 9 months)
Consumer Velocity# Consumer Lead Events in the Past 5 minutes > 10 = Red

These rules are automatically applied to new Audit Profiles, and may be changed at any time by the client.

The following video describes Standard Rules for Jornaya Intelligence

What's Next?

Still need help with editing your Audit Profile in the Member Portal, check out the Audit Profiles - Create & Edit page!

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