Setting up Brand Names in myJornaya
  • 06 Jan 2025
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Setting up Brand Names in myJornaya

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Article summary


This article provides a walkthrough for how to set up brand names and topical relevance keywords in the myJornaya user interface.  Below the walkthrough video, we have provided the specific instructions for creating an audit profile and setting up brand names.

Walkthrough Video: How to Set Up Brand Names & Keywords

Creating a New Audit Profile

  1. Login to myJornaya

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  2. Go to the Queries menu > Manage Profiles

  3. Click the "add query profile" button on the top right corner.

  4. Add Profile Name

  5. Add Description

  6. Select the Industry

  7. Select the toggles for Responses you want to receive.


    Profile must have Third Party Guardian toggle enabled to see brand names.

  8. Click create profile

Adding Brand Names

  1. Once inside the profile, click on the +brand names button.

  2. Add the list of brand names into the text box using a new line or a pipe delimiter.

  3. Click Save.

    Brand Name Limitation

    A maximum of 100 brand names are supported for each audit profile.

  4. Click on the Brand/Seller Names data hexagon.

  5. Set up your business rules for the brand name presence and consent.


    Brand Names/Seller data point will have default Green/Yellow/Red flag settings which are automatically set when an Audit Profile is first created.

Default Rules

The following best practices are automatically applied to the Default Audit Profile once an account is created. These rules make it easy to start receiving value on day one, using red flags for the following data points as negative indicators:



Brand Name Present

Present = review

Not present= reject

Brand Name Consent

Brand Name Not Present = Reject

Brand Name Actively Accepted = Pass

Brand Name Passively Accepted  = Review

Brand Name Passively Declined = Reject

Brand Name Actively Declined = Reject

Brand Name Consent Disclosure =Review

Brand Name Consent Unknown = Reject

Brand Name Type

Brand Name Not Present = Reject

Brand Name Checkbox = Pass

Brand Name Radio = Pass

Brand Name Yes/No Dropdown Menu = Pass

Brand Name Select All Checkbox = Pass

Brand Name Type Disclosure =Review

Brand Name Type Unknown = Reject

Auto Apply and Changes

These rules are automatically applied to new Audit Profiles and may be changed at any time.

Brand Name Logic

  • Brand names should be added exactly as shown in the web lead forms.

  • Brand names are not case-sensitive.  

  • Brand names must be visible on the page and in HTML.  

  • Brand names that contain spaces at the beginning or end will be validated.

  • Duplicate brand names will be validated.


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