TCPA Guardian Glossary
  • 20 Nov 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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TCPA Guardian Glossary

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Article summary


The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) requires prior express written consent for non-emergency autodialed, prerecorded, or artificial voice calls to wireless phone numbers, as well as for prerecorded telemarketing calls to residential wireline numbers. As a practical matter, this means that a purchaser of leads will face a higher standard to prove that the consumer did, in fact, consent to be called in the event that they call a consumer.

Response Glossary

Below are data responses in TCPA Guardian that provide insight into whether a lead you purchased meets your team's TCPA compliance standards.

Whether or not the LeadiD token was issued by Jornaya.

Data Integrity
Whether or not the lead data contributed in the API matched what the Jornaya script witnessed during the lead event.

Call Center
Whether a lead was generated on a web form or in a call center. This is self-designated by the lead generator.

The language on the lead form meets the requirements set by your Compliance team.

Indicates how the consumer did or did not consent to the TCPA disclosure.

The kind of interaction the consumer used to communicate their consent. On a page there can be a number of ways the TCPA consent can be collected such as a check box, a radio button, or simply a submit button.

Compares the TCPA disclosure's font color to the site's background color.

Identifies the font size of TCPA disclosure language.

Evaluates the visual presentation of the TCPA disclosure. Visibility is based on our composite score of the prominence and contrast of the TCPA disclosure.

Verifies that a Visual Playback has been captured.

Verifies that the Visual Playback has been stored.

Brand Name Present
Allows you to verify if a specified brand/seller name matched with what was present on the lead form or not.

Brand Name Consent
Indicates what action a consumer took to provide or revoke consent for the brand name in the lead form.

Brand Name Type
The method used in the lead form to obtain consent from the consumer.

The keywords your organization has requested to be present on the lead form in order to validate topical relevance. If a match of a keyword is found on the lead event, the audit response will return the keyword(s) and whether they were present or not on the website.

Overall flag result for the TCPA Guardian response per your settings in the Jornaya Member Portal.

Additional Resource - TCPA API Specifications

Check out the TCPA Guardian API specifications for a full list of the data points and response values available in the API.

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