Multiple TCPA Disclosures
  • 26 Sep 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Multiple TCPA Disclosures

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Article summary


TCPA Guardian can capture multiple TCPA disclosures from the same web page. In order for the Jornaya javascript snippet to differentiate between disclosures, the ID of each disclosure’s input must be unique

To accomplish this, a letter, number, word, or character should be appended to the required ID (‘leadid_tcpa_disclosure’).

For example, the inputs of three different disclosures on a page could appear as follows:

<input type="checkbox" id="leadid_tcpa_disclosure_1"/>

<input type="checkbox" id="leadid_tcpa_disclosure_2"/>

<input type="checkbox" id="leadid_tcpa_disclosure_3"/>


<input type="checkbox" id="leadid_tcpa_disclosure_A"/>

<input type="checkbox" id="leadid_tcpa_disclosure_B"/>

<input type="checkbox" id="leadid_tcpa_disclosure_C"/>

The appended distinguisher could also be an entire word or phrase. The only requirement is that they are unique to each other.

Review your Script and TCPA Label Implementation

To review your implementation and confirm the disclosures are being captured, please reference this article.

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