Manage TCPA Disclosures
    • 12 Jul 2024
    • 3 Minutes to read
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    Manage TCPA Disclosures

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    Article summary

    Adding Disclosures to Your Audit Profile

    As a recommended best practice, prepare disclosures in an external program (such as Excel) with the appropriate use of pipes (see “Guide to Utilizing the Pipe Character”).

    1. Log into your Jornaya Account

    2. Under the Intelligence menu, go to “My Profiles

    3. For the profile you intend to update, click "Edit" on the right side of the screen

    4. Scroll down to the "Set Rules and Flags" section and click on the greyed-out "AppMarketplace" Tab

    5. Click on the “Jornaya” tab on the left side of the screen if it is not already selected

    6. If you are subscribed to both “1st Party Privacy Guardian” and “TCPA Guardian (3rd Party)”, ensure you are in the correct product, and under "Desired TCPA Disclosures," update any existing disclosure or click "Add A Disclosure" under the existing ones to add new language
      a. When adding new language, to indicate the Vendor, start typing the vendor name in the Vendor field and select from the presented list (vendor name is not required)
      b. To add more disclosures, click on the Add Disclosure button.

    7. Once finished, scroll to the top or bottom of the page and click “Save"

    Walkthrough Video for How to Add TCPA Disclosures:

    Guide to Utilizing the Pipe Character

    What is a pipe?

    The “|” character, located above the Enter key on your keyboard

    What is a pipe used for?

    Jornaya TCPA matching logic is built to be exact. However, certain situations demand flexibility. When used correctly, it can provide that flexibility in the Jornaya TCPA matching logic. This allows for two strategic possibilities:

    1. Dynamic Population: Placing pipes in the disclosure allows the Jornaya TCPA matching logic to account for dynamic population. Used correctly, pipes make it possible for Jornaya to ignore other information that is dynamically
      inserted by the publisher (such as other brand names). See Example 1 below for further clarification.

    2. Phrasing: A slight change in punctuation or wording will result in a mismatch. A way to work with this, while maintaining matching standards, is to isolate the phrases that are important to the Auditing party. Used correctly, pipes make it possible for Jornaya to look only for disclosure language that matters to the Auditor, and ignore other information that may be insignificant to your Compliance or Legal teams. *See Example 2 below for further clarification.

    Matching Standards

    Pipes allow for anything to be inserted in its place. Be sure that matching standards take this into account

    Example 1: Dynamic Population

    Disclosure as it was presented to the consumer:

    By clicking Submit, I agree to be contacted by Advertiser A, Advertiser B and Advertiser C, at the phone number(s) I provided above, 555-123-4567, via text, automated or prerecorded means. I understand that my consent is not required as a condition to purchase a good or service.

    This example disclosure contains dynamically populated info for:

    • Brand names (Advertiser A, Advertiser, B and Advertiser C)

    • Consumer phone number (555-123-4567)

    If Advertiser B was the Auditor using the Jornaya TCPA Guardian (3rd Party), the other brand names are not relevant to them, and the consumer’s phone number will always change.

    Here is the “ piped” version of that disclosure for Advertiser B, as it should be added to an Audit profile:

    By clicking Submit, I agree to be contacted by | Advertiser B | at the phone number(s) I provided above | via text, automated or prerecorded means. I understand that my consent is not required as a condition to purchase a good or service.

    Example 2: The Phrasing Approach

    Disclosure as it was presented to the consumer:

    By clicking Submit, I agree to be contacted by Advertiser A, Advertiser B and Advertiser C, at the phone number(s) I provided above, 555-123-4567, via text, automated or prerecorded means. I understand that my consent is not required as a condition to purchase a good or service.

    • For this example, Advertiser A has decided that there are certain phrases that must be included in order to meet its matching standards (everything else is irrelevant):

    • By clicking Submit, I agree to be contacted by

    • Advertiser A

    • phone number(s)

    • text, automated or prerecorded

    • consent is not required as a condition to purchase

    Pipes are therefore used to create a disclosure in which Jornaya looks for the combination of these phrases (they must appear in the same order):

    By clicking Submit, I agree to be contacted by |Advertiser A| phone number(s) | text, automated or prerecorded | consent is not required as a condition to purchase |

    Disclosure Matching Logic

    Check out the Disclosure Matching Logic article for more information on how a TCPA disclosure match is determined.

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