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Conquering the Complexities of Identity Resolution

Does your organization need to solve the increasingly complex consumer identity puzzle?

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Identity Resolution Convolution

Companies accustomed to building campaigns around their first-party consumer data now find themselves with more missing pieces, fewer insights and incomplete pictures of customers and prospects. This situation will only grow more challenging with the changing landscape of identity and how to protect it.

Many factors already conspire to make the identity resolution process difficult to accomplish:

  • Churn: 30% of a company’s CRM data is outdated annually substantially increasing costs and waste in a variety of ways.
  • Volume: With growth, data accumulation multiplies exponentially, and in a recent survey, global business leaders revealed that 55% of the data they collect goes unused.
  • Touchpoints: With more options than ever for how to shop or interact with brands (expecting 13.6 networked devices per user in 2022), linking online and offline data is a difficult but increasingly important task for creating a truly holistic consumer identity.

Couple these constant challenges with the demise of third-party cookies, changes in privacy regulations, and a surging growth in eCommerce and connected devices, and the complex process gets that much more complicated.

So… how does an organization:

  • Know and engage with consumers in the meaningful way they have come to expect when they are also less comfortable sharing information about who they are and what they like?
  • Generate complete profiles that yield valuable insights for more personalized experiences while respecting privacy?
  • Conquer the complexity of identity resolution?

Download our whitepaper for help with these questions and more.