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Benefits + Resources for Lead Publishers

Welcome to your one-stop shop for all of your benefits as a member of our Publisher Partner Program.

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Complimentary + Complementary
Solutions To Enhance And Grow Your Business

As a member of Verisk Marketing Solutions’ Publisher Partner Program you’re part of a growing community of more than 2,000 Publishers who are committed to demonstrating transparency and trust to lead buyers, while providing smart and safe consumer interactions that improve the consumer shopping experience. You now have exclusive access to a suite of complementary Verisk Marketing Solutions products and resources that can help you protect and grow your business + understand consumer behavior so you can best time outreach to engage and convert more consumers.

Create LeadiDs
On Your Site

Show buyers you’re committed to trust and transparency by creating a certified history for every lead you generate.

Prove TCPA Consent
Guardian for Publishers

Leverage the industry’s gold standard to furnish independent proof of consumer consent for every lead.

Know Consumer Shopping Behavior
Activate for Publishers

See the ongoing shopping activity for each of your leads to better time and tailor outreach & increase monetization.

Publisher Pulse
Exclusive Industry Insights

Exclusive report of weekly and monthly consumer shopping trends across Insurance, Mortgage, Homebuying, and Jobs.

Verisk Marketing Solutions
Product Add-Ons

Explore additional products available for compliance protection and purchased leads intelligence.


Create LeadiDs On Your Sites

LeadiDs have represented a token of trust between buyer and seller in the industry for over a decade—anonymously capturing a certified history for every lead. As a LeadiD creator, you’re adding value to a network of trusted performance marketers and lead generators, and opening your business up to new buyers.

What is a Leadid Token?

LeadiD is a unique identifier that’s generated the moment a customer lands on a webpage where our Create script is installed. As a customer continues their journey on your site, the LeadiD witnesses their interactions and collects data related to their experience in a completely privacy-friendly manner.

Why should I create LeadiDs?

The LeadiD shows buyers you are committed to promoting confidence, clarity, and trust in the lead generation space. With LeadiD, buyers know more about the origin and history of a lead to improve performance.

Lead buyers use the LeadiD to unlock an expanded data set from Jornaya to evaluate transparency, performance, and compliance indicators.

A trusted independent third-party solution, like Jornaya’s LeadiD, provides buyers with the facts they need to make better decisions.

As a creator of LeadiDs and a member of the PPP, you gain access to the behaviors your website visitors and leads exhibit across the rest of the industry. You’ll use this new insight to drive increased monetization in your marketing campaigns.

How do I create Leadids?

Visit our help center for a step-by-step walkthrough of how to implement Jornaya’s Create script on your webpages and start creating LeadiDs today! Not a member yet? Click here to get started.


Verify & Prove Consumer Consent

Protect your business with the industry gold standard for proving consumer consent. Easily furnish independent proof of TCPA consent if a complaint arises from a consumer interaction on your website.

What does Guardian for Publishers do?

If you’re generating LeadiDs on the pages where consumers are interacting with your web forms, Privacy Guardian acts as a neutral 3rd party, witnessing consumer interactions and providing proof that those consumers provided TCPA consent to be contacted.

How do I implement Guardian?

As long as you are generating LeadiDs, no further implementation is needed! If you’re a member of the Publisher Partner Program, you automatically have access to Privacy Guardian.

How do I create Leadids?


Know Your Consumers’ Behavior

Understand how the consumers visiting your site are continuing about their shopping journey, across Verisk’s network. Tap into millions of consumer events every day to know how you can best tailor & time your touchpoints with those consumers to drive increased engagement and monetization.

What does Activate do?

We help remove the guesswork by safely letting you know which of your consumers are ready to hear from you. Know who’s shopping, when they’re shopping, and what they’re shopping for, so you can reach each consumer at just the right time, with just the right message.

On a daily basis Verisk Marketing Solutions will send you a file detailing the shopping behavior of your site visitors and leads.

Access the behaviors your website visitors and leads exhibit across the rest of the industry. You’ll use this new insight to drive increased monetization in your marketing campaigns.

How do I get access to Activate?

Contact to request access to recieve a daily Activate file.

Explore more resources about Activate and Jornaya.


Publisher Pulse – Exclusive Industry Insights Report

Covering the weekly and monthly consumer shopping trends across Insurance, Mortgage, Homebuying, Jobs, and more, providing you the insights you need to better inform your marketing strategy.

Additional Jornaya Solutions for Your Purchased Leads

Prove TCPA Consent
Guardian for Publishers

Leverage the industry’s gold standard to furnish independent proof of consumer consent for every lead.

Know the Origin & History of Every Lead

Understand more about the quality, origin, and conversation potential of the leads you purchase.

Stay connected on the latest from Verisk Marketing Solutions


Additional Resources to Guide You

Navigating Global Compliance and Consumer Privacy

The alphabet soup of international consumer privacy and data protection continues to evolve at a pace that is hard to keep up with.

Jornaya + Infutor Join Forces as Verisk Marketing Solutions

Today we announced the news that we have acquired Infutor and will integrate the company with Jornaya to create expanded value for all of our customers and partners in the months and years to come.

QuinStreet Powers Compliance in Performance Marketplaces With Jornaya

QuinStreet (Nasdaq: QNST) is a pioneer in performance marketing. The company matches “research and compare” consumers with brands, operating one of the country’s largest media…