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The Insurer's Data-Driven Approach to Successful Engagement

Why insurance providers need to optimize first-party data to improve the customer experience

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The buying journey of the average insurance consumer is no longer linear

If anything, it’s getting more complicated and convoluted every day. With the recent adoption of digital channels, an influx of privacy regulations, decreased ability to track digital touchpoints, and the natural decay of data, insurance marketers are fighting an uphill battle riddled with wasted resources, increased spend, and poor conversion rates.

So how can insurers leverage data to yield valuable insights and deliver what consumers want… a privacy-focused yet personalized experience?

In this whitepaper we discuss how insurance companies can better understand where consumers are in their buying and life journey. By building more comprehensive customer profiles using identity and behavioral data, insurance marketing teams will be able to provide the best possible experience.

Download now for insight into identity resolution’s ability to:

  • Help you better know your customers and prospects
  • Optimize the entire customer journey
  • Better serve your customers’ needs