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A Year of Change for Consumer Identity Data

2022 predictions on what lies ahead for marketers and publishers

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Change is once again the constant in the world of consumer identity data

Infutor’s consumer identity resolution experts examined several key trends shaping the digital marketing industry for marketers and publishers alike. The resulting predictions for 2022 tell a comprehensive story of escalating scrutiny, new opportunities, and plot twists demanding consideration.

Specifically, we explore the impact of new and upcoming consumer privacy legislation and preview some of the alternatives available to replace third-party cookies.

We examine the exciting potential of next-gen databases, how companies can spin marketing gold from their first-part data, and what the emergence of more walled gardens means going forward. We redefine what “being online” really means now that the universe has expanded beyond the realm of 2D screens.

  • Where do you fit into the story of 2022?
  • Which changes will affect you directly and require action?
  • How can you best position your company for everything that comes next?

Download our whitepaper to find out.