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Infutor Releases New Nationwide Real Property Database

PLAINFIELD, Ill., April 15, 2015 – Infutor Data Solutions announced this week the launch of a comprehensive Real Property Database. This originally-compiled file contains 148 million commercial and residential properties, covering more than 99% of all properties nationwide.

Updated monthly, Infutor’s Real Property Database is compiled from Assessor Parcel Number (APN) information reported from over 3,000 counties. The file contains more than 200 additional property attributes for targeting and segmentation. Key elements include:

  • Property Owner
  • Property Owner Address
  • Property Type (business, residential)
  • Geographical Location Information
  • Property Attributes (land use, year built, square footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, presence of pool or fireplace, roof type, heating and cooling type, mobile home indicator, construction type)
  • Assessor Information (homestead data, tax amount and tax year, recording dates, deed type, sales date and seller name, sale type [i.e., resale or refinance])
  • Prior sale information
  • Assessed valuation, appraisal, and market value
  • Mortgage data attributes (fixed or variable mortgages, seller carryback, title company, loan amount, interest rate, lender name, 2nd and 3rd mortgage information)

“The addition of the Real Property information to our product offerings adds another level of data intelligence for our clients both from an acquisition and current customer perspective,” explains Mary Jo Yafchak, Vice President of Product Development. “The data elements contained in this database are actual deed filings that can add a more rounded view of current client assets and lifestyles, and can open new avenues for prospecting purposes,” she continues.

Data access is provided through several options including on-site full file licensing, a real-time data feed, through batch processing for data appends, or through a query and order system for file segmentation and targeted campaigns. For more information on Infutor’s new Real Property Database, call (312) 348-7900 or email