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Tips, trends, and insights to help marketing, analytics, and compliance leaders stay competitive.
Jornaya’s Banking & Mortgage Market Leader, Natalie Mullen, illustrates the value in harnessing behavioral data to reach homebuyers with the right...
Today we announced the news that we have acquired Infutor and will integrate the company with Jornaya to create expanded value for all of our...
Below is an excerpt of Jornaya Drives PolicyBind Growth that ran in DestinationCRM. PolicyBind is a Miami-based insurance network that...
In today’s data-driven world, a goal for marketers should be to choose tools that help them to prioritize...
Rich Smith, CMO at Jornaya, shares how marketers can leverage data to adjust strategy based on changing consumer behavior brought...
Rich Smith, CMO of Jornaya, shares the impact the pandemic has had on consumer behavior and how digital marketers can...
Eli Schwarz, Vice President of Data Strategy & Partnerships at Jornaya, in an exclusive interview to Enterprise Talk discusses the following:
Growth and competition in the digital landscape has caused many marketers to bury their consumers in ill-timed messages, inundating them with...
Despite the rapid increases in MarTech data tools, marketers still struggle to identify in-market consumers and align their messages with the...
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